Mia, an obedient daughter of a piano teacher, challenges her mother’s patience as she grows up and learns more about life outside her room together with a boy next door. This coming-of-age story, entirely shot from a fixed top-down perspective of Mia’s room, depicts short snippets spanning 16 years of a girl’s life. What begins as a simple daily life of a child slowly turns into a dramatic teen experience, culminating in a decision that took all these years to come to.
Latvian National Film Award
Riga International Film Festival 2ANNAS
The concept of this film had originated even before I entered film school. The idea of this unique point of view was accompanied by the initiative to create a coming-of-age genre story, which successfully justifies the chosen form. The objective perspective of the camera angle used in combination with the fantasy elements of magical realism creates a distinctly subjective view of the feelings of the main character. In addition, the events of the storyline are deeply connected to my personal experiences and observations during my school years. Therefore, together with the creative team, we have created a work that not only acts as an experiment in form, but reveals a close and familiar world to many from a person’s most private place – their room.
Cast – Maija Doveika, Evelīna Marta Liepiņa, Mia Manceviča, Paula Šmite, Rēzija Vekša, Aksels Līcis, Roberts Reikmanis
Director – Emīls Alps
Producer – Marta Šleiere
Director of Photography – Artis Pārups
Art Director – Justīne Jasjukeviča
Costume artist – Marianna Lapiņa
Makeup artist – Linda Sams
Assistant Director – Nikola Ozola, Rūta Znotiņa